Episódios 2017/2018 Ranking (25)

Formato Texto
Atlanta - 2x6
Teddy Perkins

Better Things - 2x6

Black Mirror - 4x6
Black Museum

BoJack Horseman - 4x12
What Time Is It Right Now

BoJack Horseman - 4x11
Time's Arrow

BoJack Horseman - 4x2
The Old Sugarman Place

Filhos da Pátria - 1x12
Braços Abertos Sobre a Guanabara

Grey's Anatomy - 14x10
Personal Jesus

Grey's Anatomy - 14x7
Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story

Insecure - 3x5

One Mississippi - 2x6
I'm Alive

Rick and Morty - 3x7
The Ricklantis Mixup

The Americans - 6x9
Jennings, Elizabeth

The Americans - 6x7

The Americans - 6x10

The Crown - 2x5

The Crown - 2x8
Dear Mrs. Kennedy

The Crown - 2x6

The Handmaid's Tale - 2x1

The Handmaid's Tale - 2x8
Women's Work

The Handmaid's Tale - 2x4
Other Women

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel - 1x8
Thank You and Good Night

The Simpsons - 29x21
Flanders' Ladder

Transparent - 4x9
They Is on the Way

Transparent - 4x8
Desert Eagle

Uma lista de Juliemerson Silva

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