❣ melhores episódios ❣ (30)

Formato Texto
Anne with an E - 3x10
The Better Feeling of My Heart

Brooklyn Nine-Nine - 5x4

Dark - 3x8
The Paradise

Doctor Who (2005) - 7x16
The Day of the Doctor

Doctor Who (2005) - 5x10
Vincent and the Doctor

Doctor Who (2005) - 4x18
The End of Time (2)

Doctor Who (2005) - 3x10

Friends - 10x18
The Last One (2)

Friends - 10x17
The Last One (1)

Friends - 10x2
The One Where Ross Is Fine

Friends - 6x25
The One With The Proposal (2)

Friends - 5x14
The One Where Everybody Finds Out

Friends - 5x8
The One With The Thanksgiving Flashbacks

Fringe - 2x15

Game of Thrones - 3x9
The Rains of Castamere

Game of Thrones - 7x4
The Spoils of War

Game of Thrones - 6x10
The Winds of Winter

Game of Thrones - 6x9
Battle of the Bastards

Game of Thrones - 6x5
The Door

Grey's Anatomy - 15x19
Silent All These Years

Grey's Anatomy - 14x10
Personal Jesus

Grey's Anatomy - 8x24

Loki - 1x6
For All Time. Always.

Sherlock - 3x3
His Last Vow

Sherlock - 2x3
The Reichenbach Fall

Teen Wolf - 3x6
Motel California

The Office (US) - 7x22
Goodbye, Michael

The Vampire Diaries - 8x16
I Was Feeling Epic

The Vampire Diaries - 2x21
The Sun Also Rises

WandaVision - 1x9
The Series Finale

Uma lista de Lara

1 seguidor(es)

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