Exibido em: 26-Mar-2014
Ultima edição: William Felipe | Editar minissinopse |
Dá muito trabalho ser amigo da Ilana, mas deve ser hilário e recompensador. Ótimo season finale. A Amy não estava tão engraçada, mas Abbie e Ilana são fantásticas! O "ave maria" foi hilário!
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Abbi: All right, he's a 6.
Ilana: Oh, totally a 6. Yum! Abbi: He's a 10. I mean, look at him. Ilana: Eww, dude, a 10?! Like, get away! He's, like, 7 inches max. Abbi: Inches? I thought we were rating them on hotness. Ilana: I thought we were rating them on dick size. Abbi: Why would we be rating them on dick size? Ilana: Abbi, why wouldn't we be rating them on dick size? It's all I can see. Those b-ball shorts are God's gift. If you train your eyes, you can see their religion. "Nose, vagina, butthole. If God didn't want us to put our fingers in there, then why did She make them perfectly finger-sized?" (Ilana) :)
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Bom de ter visto so agora é saber q nao vou esperar mto tempo pra ver o proximo epi. <3
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First things first: Amy dona da minha vida, como faz pra aparecer em todos os episíodios?
Rindo até agora da Abbi carregando a Ilana aheuakaliahf
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AMY <3
posso ser brega e falar que acho muito fofinha a amizade das duas? <3
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