Exibido em: 06-Mai-2015
Ultima edição: Bruno Gonçalves | Editar minissinopse |
"Mom, i've been in glee club for 6 long years" HAUHAUHAUHAUAHUAHUAAHUA melhor fala do episódio. Chris Colfer alegrando meu dia *-*
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i was in the glee club for 6 long years HAHAHAHAHAHA
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Chris <3 Referência a glee <3. Gente??? Lucci??? hahahaha ri demais. Só 4 eps pra acabar #FicaHIC
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Joy: The waiter is groping us and making it look like an accident.
Elka: Well, Joy, he probably thought he was reaching for a mop. Victoria's mother: Yes, I did a show with puppets. And I can express more with one hand than most people can with their entire bodies. Elka: I can express how I feel about you with one finger... :)
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Kurt Hummel <333
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