Exibido em: 06-Out-2014
Ultima edição: Pedro Felipe Lima | Editar minissinopse |
"Also, I watched the finale of Glee" CRANE MELHOR PESSOA
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eu sou a cara da abbie quando o ichabod menciona a katrina
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Tanta série boa e o Crane assistindo Glee..
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Gente, satã parou de dirigir e escrever os ep? Até agora nada me assustou :(
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"I meant gentlemen wearing hats indoors. I know about homosexuals, thank you. I trained under Baron Von Steuben. His affections for his own sex were well known. Also, I watched the finale of Glee."
O CRANE JÁ ASSISTIU GLEE! As piadas com o Crane tão melhores que nunca, SOS
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