Exibido em: 03-Mai-2012
Ultima edição: Felipe | Editar minissinopse |
"I love you. Oh God, oh my God, that just came flying out of my face. I love you. I just... I did it again. I love you. I do. I just, I love you. And I have been trying not to say it. I have been trying so hard to just mash it down and ignore it and not say it and… Jackson is a great guy. He is. He’s gorgeous and he’s younger than you, he doesn’t have any grandkids, or babies with his lesbian BFFs, and he’s an Avery, and he liked me, you know? He really liked me. But it was never gonna work out, because I love you. I am so in love with you. You’re in me. You’re like, it’s like you’re a disease. It’s like I am infected by Mark Sloan and I just can’t think about anything or anybody and I can’t sleep. I can’t breathe. I can’t eat. And I love you. I love you all the time. Every minute of every day. I love you. God, that feels good to just say that. I feel so much better. I love you."
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E pensar que era pra Izzie e o George terem feito os exames e passado também...
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you're in me it's like you're a disease like i'm infected by mark sloan
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eu to mais destruida que a vagina da april .
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LEXIE PORQUE FAZ ISSO? SOCORRO EU TO PASSANDO MAL EU JÁ TINHA VISTO FOTOS E GIFS DESSA CENA DA DECLARAÇÃO DELA MAS NUNCA ACHEI QUE FOSSE NESSE NÍVEL PQP EU TO SOFRENDO DEMAIS QUE COISA MAIS LINDA EU AMO O JEITINHO DELA MEU DEUS EU QUERIA SLEXIE PRA SEMPRE NESSA SERIE PQ TANTO TEMPO SEPARADOS IRUPIOLAÇSD~E :((:(:(:(:(:(:(:((:(:;(:(:( Ai chega a Julia pra acabar com tudo, sinceramente eu não sei se consigo prosseguir com a vida E bom, desde que a mãe do Jackson falou no início do episódio que um tinha reprovado eu sabia que seria a April, depois que passou a entrevista dela então, não teve como ter mais certeza né? Desnecessário todo o show que ela deu. Gostei do Karev sambista em cima dos médicos que tavam entrevistando, e morri de dó da Mer vomitando o tempo todo hahaha Ela parecia mesmo uma doente com aquelas caras tentando se segurar, ótima atuação da Pompeo rs
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