Exibido em: 14-Out-2013
Ultima edição: paula | Editar minissinopse |
Alguém mais notou a Sluty Pumpkin atrás do Ted na festa de Halloween??
142 0 0 |
Encarem a verdade: "Thank you Linus" fez mais falta que a mother
129 0 3 |
"It's just pizza." "Just... Pizza? Let me tell you about the thing you say is just pizza. We begin with the first bite. Oh, the crunch! And then the marinara. That roiling lava of tomato and oregano-- it overtakes you! I'm falling! And that's.... When she catches you, that chewy, voluptuous mistress, mozzarella. Her oven-kissed cheeks crackle with warmth in your mouth, cradling the sauce and the bread, letting you know that from now on... This... Is home. This pizza... Is home."
111 0 2 |
"mother vai ser personagem regular" aham, tô vendo.
97 0 0 |
quando quiserem voltar a colocar a mother, já pode.
85 0 0 |