Exibido em: 19-Out-2018
Ultima edição: Dogz Banbelubo Br | Editar minissinopse |
Dick Grayson é a propria definiçao de "deus me livre, mas quem me dera"
305 0 0 |
Caguei de susto com a cena da Rachel olhando a foto do cadaver e a foto começando a gritar e o alter ego dela batendo no espelho. Fui assisti série de heroi e acabei vendo uma de terror
301 0 0 |
Nossa quanta violencia, amei
275 0 0 |
Muito boa essa série da Ravena e do Robin
221 0 1 |
"Clever little nodge!!
Rachel is watching a part of Game of Thrones when the Hound (who doesn't like/want to take care of kids) had to take care of Arya (a girl who seems to like to get in trouble) by going on a trip to a place where he planned to leave her (and once they get there, they find out he can't leave her). See the parallel?" O GRITO (Comentário retirado do TVTime, @whatisanova)
216 0 0 |