Exibido em: 04-Nov-2014
Ultima edição: Wagner Lutterbach | Editar minissinopse |
"We live in trenches. Underground most of the time. Like rabbits, and it's cold and dark and noisy and wet and you just spend every second wishing you were somewhere else. But there's a "nowness" to everything. It’s like you're seeing it for the first time, like a blade of grass in the mud or colors. The sky is amazing. You can smell the air. Everything’s just more intense. It’s like your brain's taking it all in, knowing that it might be the last cloud or blade of grass you'll ever see. You see life disappear in front of you and as it goes, you realize just how precious it was."
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"How could you understand? There's nothing I could I compare it to."
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Que coisa linda o Tommy com a enfermeira < 3
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Mikey casando cm a Katie e Tommy namorando a enfermeira. Medo delas ficarem viúvas aumentando.
Só não to gostando desses depoimentos no meio do episódio. Acho desnecessários p o roteiro do episódio.
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