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Exibido em: 05-Dez-2017

Mini Sinopse: [EPISÓDIO 200] Frankie lembra que tem que colocar alguma coisa na cápsula do tempo. Bill Norwood informa a Mike que ele e Paula estão se separando. Brick tenta ganhar Cindy de volta. Axl chama Sue para ser sua assistente pessoal de graça.
Ultima edição: Itamy SandovalEditar minissinopse

Comentarios - The Middle - 9x9 (158)

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''Hi. Mike Heck. Born and raised in Orson. Uh, listen, when I first heard about this whole, one, 200th thing, I thought it was dumb.I started to think maybe it is not a bad idea. 'Cause this town deserves to be noticed. But not by some magazine, by us. Now, I'm a guy who gets up and puts on the same thing every day to plaid shirt and jeans just so I do not have to think about it. And we all do that we get up, we go to work, we make dinner, put the kids to bed, and we forget how lucky we are, how fortunate we are to live in a town where, uh, Maricela stands out in front of her store with a plate, asking if you want to try a butter cookie. Or Joe at the stereo store Well, that's what I called it when I was growing up. You go in there, he always says hi, you ask him how his day's going, he always says, 'Great.'. Or how 'bout Lee? She's the heart and soul of this town. I think she was here when it was founded. And Bill... When my roof was leaking, Bill came over and helped me patch it, and he left his hammer at my house. So I returned it to him, but he said, 'It's not even my hammer.' Somebody else had left it at his house when we were there fixing the fence. So, that's why, yesterday, I put that hammer in our family's time capsule. 'Cause I think people in the future should know that this is a town where people help each other out. 'Cause you do for family. And that's what we are. So, you know, uh, we're we, uh we're lucky. We're really lucky. Uh, okay. I guess that's all I got.''

2017-12-06 21:13:41Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
PARABÉNS aos envolvidos por essa série que nos entregou 200 episódios maravilhosos (mas nois queria mesmo mais uns 100 né)

2017-12-06 20:55:45Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
Eu também não consegui deixar de estranhar o lado carinhoso do Mike. Foi engraçado! Foi lindo!

Que episódio digno de The Middle que a gente tanto gosta. Ahh, como essa série vai fazer falta...

2017-12-06 21:40:40Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*

2017-12-06 01:37:50Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
Vi os Donahue e pensei: Sue e Sean agora vai. Enfim, fui feito de trouxa tnc.

2017-12-06 05:21:59Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*

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