Exibido em: 05-Set-2016
Inserir uma minissinopse do episódio
- Wanna know what's breaking in the world right now? Go to Twitter.
- My heart is breaking. - Why? - You're so beautiful. Te entendo Trixie
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- Is this about the movie 'Contact'?
- No. (?) - I will not Jodie Foster this kinda of behavior.
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Vocês conhecem alguém com o nome Trixie Mattel no Pokémon GO?
eu passando mal
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- What would you write for me?
- Tan, fit, very attractive young man who loves comedy, dressing up like a lady, acting a fool, and is very successful at what he/she does. Eu amo uma amizade. 💖
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trixie e katya amizade do pop
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