Exibido em: 18-Ago-2011
Ultima edição: Felipe | Editar minissinopse |
O Halloween foi tenso. O Louie consegue fazer capitulos pesados as vezes.
O Stand up no final foi muito foda. "Dei 200 peidos no travesseiro e depois cheirei" ahuahauauahau
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'' ah você come ratos então, cheirei 200 peidos quando era criança ''
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"I gave my daughter the bubble-gum medicine, she says 'Ew!'. I'm like 'F*ck you! Are you shitting me? That's medicine! Most kids in the world don't have medicine! When they get sick, they just die on a rock with a bear eating their face! You're a white kid taking bubble-gum medicine! You're wearing clothes made by children your age, professionally!'. Yeah, Americans only buy things that come from suffering. They just enjoy it more when they know someone's getting hurt..." (Louie)
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haha mto bom
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A pequenina botando os caras pra trás kkkkkkkkkk
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