Exibido em: 03-Fev-2016
Ultima edição: Bruno A. | Editar minissinopse |
o mecanico me representou em relação ao jake
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• ''I love you, Jake.
I have no idea where that came from. I have a wife and two lovely kids. You on Facebook?'' • ''Hey there, Jake. It's me, Joey, the mechanic. What's shakey, Beef-Jakey? Guess what I'm not wearing, Jake? Pants.'' kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk mecânico, melhor pessoa.
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Sofia e Jake KERO
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Sofia é a representação dos fãs, apenas a melhor personagem.
"You're not too late" "You've always been the one" ❤️
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na vida eu sou a sofia que fica sentada comendo salgadinho enquanto as coisas se resolvem
(e by the way, juntem logo ela e o jake pfv)
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