Exibido em: 31-Ago-2018
Ultima edição: Evelyse Lima | Editar minissinopse |
W: She's so beautiful, and annoyingly noble. And I know she's great in bed because my house has very thin walls.
N:... Wynonna. She's funny and irrepressible and she always goes to the mat for the people she loves. And she's very fertile. W: THAT WAS ONE TIME ENFIA MAIS BROMANCE WYNHAUGHT QUE CABE
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gente cadê o reconhecimento da gata da nicole em cima da velha caída no chão???
calamity jane pisa mais nessa fudida
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Do fundo do meu coração não consigo entender como alguém olha uma foto da Nicole e do anjo da Waverly e fala "disgusting" ughhhh nojo é dela, tomara que não apareça nunca mais
"- Like you never went through an experimental phase. - Not with gnomes! - Well that was very narrow-minded, Nicole. Love is love" hahahahahahahaha essas duas são mto comédia, obrigada a todos os envolvidos por juntarem elas nesse epi, elas tem um entrosamento muito divertido de ver. ameiii
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wynonna defendendo a nicole e elas passando o episódio inteiro juntas fui eu quem pediu sim
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"- You know, I used to think you were an outsider too. And that things would get too demony and you would go and leave my sister with a broken heart.
- Wynonna, I love her. - Ew. Also, you'd better. - And I love you, too." < 3 Wayhaught, Wynhaught e Earp Sisters < 3
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