Exibido em: 21-Mar-2019
Ultima edição: Sanderson | Editar minissinopse |
Link elogiando a Amelia e admirado pelo trabalho dela; Tom colocando a Teddy em primeiro plano, sem espaço pra dúvidas ou pra qualquer outra pessoa. Nunca vi o Owen fazendo nenhuma das duas coisas.
Meredith é mta areia pro caminhão do DeLuca.
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a união de todos os povos vai começar pelo odio ao owen
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Nunca pensei que acharia Koracick sensato.
Owen tomando pisão é viciante, vou querer em todos os episódios agora.
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"I know you don't like me. Trust me, I'm not losing sleep over it, but if you plan to make a play here? If you're gonna show up with a ring and take advantage of the very old pain and vulnerability of a woman you have over and over again hurt and abandoned... please rethink that. Because I will not lie down, and I will not walk away. I'll fight for her. And that'll bring on a whole lot of drama and pain for the woman you claim you just want to be happy. Your history with Teddy is... you chose Amelia, More than once. My history is, I love Teddy. I mean, I'm in love with her. And only her. And she deserves to be with someone for whom she is the first and the only choice."
O Quote é grande mas as 10 voadoras que o Owen levou do Koracick... valeu a pena cada palavra.
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Tá tudo se alinhando pro Owen sair da série einn
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