Exibido em: 07-Dez-1999
Ultima edição: inara | Editar minissinopse |
Bob: I left my wallet in the car. Midge?
Midge: Oh I left my..........sex with Bob in the car. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Midge é td cheia de dorgas na mente. Adoro kkkk
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i wanna eat this steak but first i will make a birthday wish
i wish everyone would shut up
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''Cara, se você ficar mais burro, vai precisar de um capacete.''
Hyde me representou no episódio
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"Why don’t you think Forman, you get to make out with one of the hottest chicks in Wisconsin, while I’m being all sympathetic and relating my crappy life to her, and I’m pissing you off? You’re supposed to be the friend and I’M supposed to be the make-out guy! Now that I think about it, you’re pissing ME off!"
hauhauhauaha Hyde <3
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como o eric foi idiota nesse episódio. meu Deus.
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