Exibido em: 05-Fev-2015
Ultima edição: ane | Editar minissinopse |
"We're no longer poor and in debt. We're just poor. Which, as you know, is the new middle class."
42 0 0 |
"how long since she've been gone?"
"oh no. she's not dead"
37 0 0 |
"Im embarassed to tell you how much we owe the water company"
36 0 0 |
O desenho da Christy
O Roscoe vendo o desenho da Christy A Bonnie voando na Christy Essas duas me matam de rir
33 0 0 |
- Did you not see the crazy chemistry we had?
- I saw the crazy.
26 0 0 |