Exibido em: 15-Mar-2006
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"You're like rich dude Kryptonite, Veronica" Haha' Dick é o melhor..
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"It's a... Neptune High gay chat room."
"Veronica, you're not..." "No! I'm just curious... Curious as to what's posted on the website, more accurately." RINDO PRA SEMPRE DESSA CENA KKKKKKKKKK
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Logan e sua mania de loiras de olhos azuis hahaha
"You're like rich dude Kryptonite, Veronica" Dick é podre HUAHUAHUA +1 também não acho que tenha sido o Terrence o culpado.
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-Are you ready to be the bait?
-I am what they call: Master Bait (masturbate) esse roteiro tem cada piadinha manera heu3
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Que super plot twist o ryan evans ser gay hein. Wow
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