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Últimas notas atribuídas: 8

Exibido em: 08-Jan-2017

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Comentarios - Chuck - Maratona - 3x2 (0)

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Sarah! Sarah, I don't want to regret not telling you everything I need to tell you. I'm not a normal spy...you know that, I know that. I'm a regular guy who works at a Buy More. I'm not like Carina, some cold-hearted spy who throws around words like love. And the decision that I made in Prague...I know what it looks like. I know that it looks like I chose being a spy over...over being with you, but that's not what happened. How I felt about you was real. It was very, very real...and I know that you know how...how I felt about you for a long time, you know...And when Carina told me what you said.....those three words that I've waited to hear for so long....Look, Sarah, I know...I know that you're probably very hurt. You're probably hurt that I didn't run away with you in Prague. I get that and I'm...I'm...I'm sorry. You have to know that you were everything that I ever wanted. But how could I do that? How could I run away with you? How could I be with you knowing what I'd turned my back on, you know? Knowing that what I had in my head could help a lot of people...And you were the one that taught me that...That being a spy is about choosing something bigger. It's...it's about putting aside your own personal feelings for the greater good and that's what I chose. I chose to be a spy for my friends and my family and you...And I chose to be a spy because.....Sarah, I love you. ♥

2013-06-09 19:18:05Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
Não tinha gostado muito da Carina na primeira aparição dela, mas adorei agora ♥

2014-02-11 15:10:53Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
Quero Chuck e Sarah juntos de novo <3
Carina é tão legal, quero mais aparições dela <3
Ela e o Morgan kkkkkkkkk, Jeff e Lester tinham que ter visto mesmo haha

2013-08-17 01:00:00Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
confesso que fiquei com pena do traficante. Ele realmente tava apaixonado pela Carina.

2014-10-11 21:55:07Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
Morgan Wins!
Mas queria que todos da loja vissem, pra ele tirar uma onda.
E depois daquelas palavras do Chuck, tá na hora de quebrar esse protocolo (que já tá mais do que quebrado) e se pegarem de vez!

2013-07-08 21:40:39Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*

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