Exibido em: 29-Jan-2020
Ultima edição: Andreza | Editar minissinopse |
Will encontrou uma regular-Janet, devia buscar uma Disco-Janet
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Janeeeet < 3
adorei ela com a Poppy e o Miggy KKKKKKK o jeitinho de falar igual de the good place
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gente, a Janet, que surpresa agradável
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Heeey how you doing Will?
Will? Will? Will? Will? WILL YOU MAD? WIIILLLLL!!! I don't think is him
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Will namorando a neutral Janet hahahaha
Morri quando o Miggy perguntou "are we dead?" Sophie: "What if I told you there was a way to save your dad?" Emma: "And the trunk?" Amy: "What about the trunk, man?" Ri demais das meninas preocupadas com o porta-malas. Ótimo episódio, todos os plots foram legais.
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