Exibido em: 16-Fev-2018
Ultima edição: Diôgo Henrique | Editar minissinopse |
"Because nothing is ever anyone's fault. We're all just products of childhood trauma" PREACH NATHANIEL
95 0 0 |
"I may have borderline, but I am not insane"
74 0 1 |
''It wasn't technically Hitler's fault. Hitler's brother died, and that made him super sad!''
O QUE FOI AQUELA MÚSICA DA PAULA??? HAUAHUAHUAUHAUAH S2: I'm just a girl in love. I can't be held responsible for my actions. S3:I truly want to be held responsible for my actions. THAT'S WHAT I CALL CHARACTER IMPROVEMENT < 3
69 0 0 |
toda contente pelo dueto romantico do nathaniel com a rebecca mas orra que letra errada não tem nem como defender kkkkkkkkkk
58 0 1 |
white josh e darryl aquecem meu coração a cada dia mais, que OTP maravilhoso
48 0 0 |