Exibido em: 28-Out-1992
Ultima edição: Lyrion Matheus | Editar minissinopse |
"She just bought me some new panties and they're all laid out for me" EU TO NO CHAO KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
42 0 7 |
"It's very hard being a stand-up comedian. Sometimes, they don't laugh"
38 0 8 |
Elaine: Ok, I'll leave you two alone. Maybe I'll go visit my mother, she just bought me new panties and they're all "laid out for me" HAHAHA
35 0 1 |
kkkkkkkkkkk Elaine sempre está dois passos na frente de todo mundo!
27 0 2 |
Elaine tava demais nesse episódio. Dela brincando com o lápis até o final, ela foi maravilhosa.
21 0 1 |