Exibido em: 02-Fev-2012
Inserir uma minissinopse do episódio
"When I saw her, I knew she was the the one. The sun was shining behind her, chickens were hatching, Jesus came back... It was wonderful." (Michael Costello)
Anthony: I've got t-shirts from the people who worked there, I've got shirts from boys... I don't know if I was more interest in the shirts or the boys... Joanna Cole: Well, that's not going to help you with your design... Anthony: Hey, inspiration can come from anywhere! "If a black person says that you are loud, you are TOO loud!" (Anthony) "I want her hair very Sarah Jessica Parker, circa 1999 meets 2002... but futuristic." (Michael Costello) :)
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gostava dele, pena
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nossa, aquela roupa horrorosa do jarell foi safe?????
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