Exibido em: 27-Jul-2010
Ultima edição: Lucas Thurow | Editar minissinopse |
As partes do Stand Up foram as melhores.
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Adorei o Louie zoando a moça, o Matthew Broderick e o assalto.
Acho muito bacana essas participações especiais. Espero que continue com elas. [3]
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Louie destruindo a mina lá foi muito foda. Huhsauhas!
E não é que ele conseguiu Matthew Broderick pra participar da série? Acho muito bacana essas participações especiais. Espero que continue com elas. No mais, muito vergonha alheia aquela cena do assalto a loja. HUhasuhsa!
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Melhor coisa foi o diálogo com a moça que atrapalhou o show, com o Louie explicando como ela conseguiu estragar o único momento de felicidade na vida dele.
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Girl: You’re making jokes about rape, and that’s offensive.
Louie: That's really weird because you wouldn't even exist if your mom hadn't raped that homeless Chinese guy. I am sorry... Can you do me a favor? Can you please just die of AIDS? Does anybody have AIDS who could put their dick in her face and get her started on that? Girl: I could sue you! Louie: You know who I would like to sue? Everybody that works in the hospital that you were born at. Letting you live was medical malpractice. You're the worst thing that ever happened in America. It goes you, slavery and then Pearl Harbor and 9/11 combined. And your mother's a whore. Girl: My mother's dead. Louie: That's good. Because she can't make any more cunts with her cunt. Girl: Did you just call me the "C"-word? Louie: No, I called you a cunt. Because you're a cunt and your mother is one and she had one. The moment you were being born, there was a guy walking by, and he said, "Hey, look! Some cunt coming out of some cunt's cunt!"... :)
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