Exibido em: 22-Jan-2013
Ultima edição: Beatriz | Editar minissinopse |
Adorei a referência a JK Rowling <3
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"People always make the mistake of thinking who they are now is who they'll be forever. Look at JK Rowling. She was poor, struggling, then she came up with Harry Potter and now she's a billionaire."
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"- Why you are smiling?
- I'm proud of my teeth." kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Jules e Ellie como sempre me matando de rir...
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Achei o lance com o superpoderes muito bem bolado - e fechou perfeitamente com a personalidade de cada um - assim como a trama do Ron Mexico.
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E as musiquinhas do Grayson sempre são mt divertidas! rsrs
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