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Exibido em: 23-Nov-2016

Mini Sinopse: Enquanto D está no hospital, Eldon aprende mais sobre seu passado. Mais mistérios se desdobram sobre Blackstone.
Ultima edição: Guilherme MatiasEditar minissinopse

Comentarios - Chance - 1x7 (11)

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''-At the sports bar on the boulevard, she was acting weird, really paranoid. She started telling me this kind of wild story. I didn't know how much to believe.
-Well, what was the story?
-About this guy, this doctor she knew from Oakland. He'd told her he was gonna help her get clean, but he took her back to the Bay Area, and then, when he got there, he just wanted her for some kind of sex slave.
-So, what happened? What did he do?
-He wanted to tie her up, but she talked him into letting her tie him up instead. And then she busted him in the head and got away. That's all she said. I guess it was his phone she called me on. She thought that I could help her run because my sister's a travel agent. But I told her I couldn't have Lori involved in something like that. I told her she should turn herself in, that people would understand if she just, you know, explained what happened.
-And what did she say?
-Nothing. She left.''

2016-11-25 18:02:59Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
Minha vó diria: quanto mais mexe na M... Mais a M... Fede

2016-11-24 03:51:27Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
Ainda bem que o D esta se recuperando.
Essa Jackie é furada

2017-02-16 17:38:59Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
D meu amigo que vida sofrida, fique forte

2016-12-23 09:19:25Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
Sangue de Cristo... Vocês pediram plot twist? Pois tome. Estou todo arrepiado com esse episódio.

2017-01-05 00:12:54Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*

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