Exibido em: 29-Nov-2019
Ultima edição: Filipe Nunnes | Editar minissinopse |
É incrível que uma mãe precise se justificar pra filha, como se correr atrás dos seus sonhos e lutar pra cacete pra finalmente chegar no topo fosse um crime! puta merda...
Todo meu amor pra Mia.
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A filha da Alex com mais de 20 anos na cara reagindo à separação dos pais como se tivesse 5. Ridícula.
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esse Fuck You Kid foi por todos nós que aguentamos adolescentes mala e pais que nada fazem no mundo das séries por tanto tempo.
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''Fuck you. And, I mean, how fucking dare you. After all that I have done and all that I have given to you. My life. My love. My body. I broke my fucking vagina with that big, fucking head of yours. And I had to be surgically sewn back together. I bet you didn't know that, did you? Oh, and effing just staying with your father after all these years of him driving me insane with his condescending, my loves. He talked to me like I was a fucking five-year-old, and I am sick of it. I am sick of it. I want happiness. I earned happiness. I'm a human being, Lizzy. And you know what else? Don't you dare bitch at me about my career, little Miss I'm-So-Progressive. Yes, I worked my ass off to get where I am. And I wanted it. I wanted to be something. I wanted to mean something in this world. I didn't know that was a fucking crime. Life isn't perfect, okay, baby? We don't get everything we want. You're young, you know? Go make the life that you want, and you see how fucking easy it is. And stop bitching and complaining and blaming me. And you get your own fucking pizza. This is my pizza. I'm taking my pizza. I earned this shit.''
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Frase do episódio: "Arrebentei a porra da vagina com seu cabeção do caralho" eu gritei nessa parte kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. Meu, eu adorei a Alex falando poucas e boas para aquela filha chata dela. Ô menina chata!!!!
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