Exibido em: 08-Dez-2014
Ultima edição: KaVarPet | Editar minissinopse |
"Do you know who they are?"
"Sure do! This one is the one that I leave this one for" te amo Max lesbica, me bja
101 0 1 |
"Hi! I'm Lily"
"Oh shoot now I'm gay"
87 0 1 |
"Cheat on me once, shame on you. Cheat on me twice, your balls are in a jar" - LISPECTOR, Sophie
80 0 1 |
C: "What type of people live there?"
M: "Junkies, whores, homeless" C: "Actors!"
69 0 1 |
"Yep, I always knew you'd die here." - Han
68 0 2 |