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Últimas notas atribuídas: 9 - 8

Exibido em: 06-Dez-2016

Mini Sinopse: Quando a cliente da vez é a ex-mulher de Bull e irmã de Benny, é de trabalho árduo, especialmente em separar a vida pessoal da profissional.
Ultima edição: CamillaEditar minissinopse

Comentarios - Bull (2016) - 1x8 (24)

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bull que amor, com sua ex... e quantas declarações hein.. o amor ainda esta no ar, definitivamente

2016-12-09 22:29:45Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
- You never really loved me, you just, you studied me, like if I was one of your subjects.
- I just wanted to know the real you. And I think you were afraid that I would just discover your faults. But that's what I needed, Izzy. I needed... all of you to love you. And I did love you, Izzy. The baby, the miscarriage... I know. That was hard. I'm sorry about what happened. I wanted a family, too.


2016-12-14 22:33:43Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
Bull: The answer is no.
Benny: Sorry?
Bull: No. I didn't hire you to win the divorce. I hired you because you're you. And you're the best at what you do, and I knew that after my divorce, there was one lasting part of my marriage I wanted to hold on to. Oh, you thought I meant our friendship? Sorry, that's awkward. I meant that antique clock in Izzy's dining room. Ah. I want that.
Benny: You want that?
Bull: Yeah.
Benny: I hate that damn clock. It's yours.


2016-12-14 22:50:41Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
1- Luiza!!!! < 3

2- John Legend no final... < 3 < 3 < 3

2016-12-07 23:44:52Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
"Doesn't bee pollen enhance sex?"

Bull imaginando o que o juri pensa me faz ri as vezes, é cada pensamentos malucos HAAHAHAHAH

2016-12-14 22:08:20Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*

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