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Últimas notas atribuídas: 8.5

Exibido em: 19-Mar-2014

Mini Sinopse: Abbie ganhou um troco por um trampo e decide alugar um ap pra ficar de boa. Ilana saí em busca do seu controle remoto afim de evitar desconto na sua conta bancária.
Ultima edição: Shelyda MartinsEditar minissinopse

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Comentarios - Broad City - 1x9 (52)

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- Yes, I was jerking off
- And to Julianna Margulies! I swear to god that better be ER
- It's The Good Wife
- You have a way tainting everything I love

2014-03-20 19:04:45Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
Revendo pela milésima vez.

Ilana: Please, we're in New York. And you are, like, twelve, right?
Kid: I'm seven and you're being inappropriate.
Ilana: Bitch, you're twenty-two.

2016-10-31 01:43:59Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
Abbi: Body Butter! :O Lap pillow! :O Julianna Margulies! :O You were jerking off! In the communal space! You don't even live here!
Bevers: I wasn't even touching my wiener yet. I was still just doing butt stuff... Okay!... I was jerking off!
Abi: Ew! And to Julianna Margulies! I swear to God that better be "E.R."!!
Bevers: It's "Good Wife"...
Abbi: You have a way of tainting everything I love!


2014-10-04 11:39:43Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*
Cara, a Pam é tão loucona que adorei ela hahaha
Medo desse Dale e o santuário dedicado à Ilana, Jesus...

2014-11-11 12:58:31Denunciar spoilerDenunciar Abuso*

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